Token Info

EGGS Token:

  • Network: Sonic

  • Contract Address: 0xf26Ff70573ddc8a90Bd7865AF8d7d70B8Ff019bC

  • Max Total Supply: 100,000,000,000 EGGS

  • Intrinsic Value: Each EGGS token is backed by S tokens, which are deposited into the protocol's smart contract. This pool of S ensures that every EGGS token is secured by real, liquid value. As a result of burning mechanisms and accumulated fees, the ratio of S per EGGS can only increase!

  • Liquidity:

    • DEX Integration: EGGS can be traded on a decentralized exchange (DEX), establishing a market that is independent of the protocol's smart contract. This may result in price discrepancies between the smart contract price and the DEX trading price, ultimately creating arbitrage opportunities for advanced traders.

    • Incentivized Liquidity: Users may provide concentrated liquidity to the EGGS pool(s) and claim rewards directly on the Eggs Finance dApp. In addition, EGGS also incentivizes liquidity by reflecting a percentage of protocol fees collected, back to liquidity providers. The incentivized pool is USDC.e/EGGS on Shadow Exchange. Rewards will be distributed as wS voting bribes, enabling LPs to earn additional xSHADOW emissions each week.

Last updated